how to deal Anxiety

Coming to my article will only reduce your Anxiety a little . but you cant Deal With Anxiety in short time. you have to do it yourself. I will just tell you the process. First you have to tell yourself that ‘I am the reason why I am in Anxiety and I’m the reason that form now on i will  not be in  Anxiety

Identify your Anxiety time period :-

Short time Anxiety.

how to deal Anxiety
examples of short time anxiety :-
  • Exam pressure
  • Exam failure
  • Job insecurity
  • Lack of recognition
  • Tight deadlines
  • Sudden task requests
  • Disagreements with colleagues
  • Difficult clients/customers

Long Time Anxiety .

how to deal Anxiety
examples of long time anxiety :-
  • Industry changes and competition
  • Financial problems
  • Relationship problems
  • Health problems
  • Work-life balance
  • Fear of layoffs or downsizing

This activity helps you Deal with Anxiety :-

1. Activity :-

If you want to deal with anxiety,first you take a pen and paper and draw as shown in the picture.

how to deal Anxiety
NOTE :- Dont be lazy, do what i said.
  • What’s been causing you the most stress lately ?
  • What is best ways to outcome that anxiety ?
  • What are you best at out of all of them?
  • What process do you use to overcome anxiety ?
  • How do you make a to-do list for that process ?

I suggest you to write the answer of all these on the arrow shown in the above picture.

2. Activity :-

Get up form your seat and go to the mirror.

how to deal Anxiety

NOTE :- Wherever you find yourself thinking, you should speak that in your normal voice.

how to deal Anxiety


3. Activity :-

You : Even though I have done both the above mentioned activities, my anxiety is still not resolved, what should I do now?

Me : Now let me show you how that anxiety looks like if it has a physical form.

You don’t have to treat anxiety like anxiety, you understand that this is not anxiety, it is a maze, if you think about it more, you get more and more trapped in it.

how to deal Anxiety


If you are older or have children, talk to them. You don’t use any technology there. Don’t hesitate to ask questions. You take some time and talk to your children. You will see your children smiling and if you love your children your worries will go away. .If you focus only on your work, it will be difficult to get rid of your worries.

  • Hey, when was the happiest day in your school or in your life ?
  • What do you like most about me ?
  • What do you find the most happiness in ?
  • Play a physical game that your child likes.

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